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Past Articles for 2002

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'Oriental' is Passe
Winter  20029(4)
Fall  20029(3)
Ancient China, Young Tasters
Spring  20029(1)
Butter and Beauty in Tibet
Spring  20029(1)
Chinese Calligraphy: The Art of Written Language
Summer  20029(2)
Chinese Flavors of Peru
Spring  20029(2)
Chinese Food Court Debut
Fall  20029(3)
Chinese New Year Food Symbols
Winter  20029(4)
Cold Food and Ice in the Chinese Culinary
Spring  20029(1)
Congee: Asia's Bowl Full of Comfort
Spring  20029(1)
Cuba: Chinese Food and a Festival
Spring  20029(1)
Dai People
Fall  20029(3)
Dining, Drinking, Dancing: At the Lion's Den
Fall  20029(3)
Dollars for Dumplings
Winter  20029(4)
Duck Boys, Duck Eggs, and Egg-chemists
Spring  20029(1)
Eel Use: Ancient and Modern
Fall  20029(4)
Five-star Restaurants: In Singapore, Tokyo, and Peru
Summer  20029(2)
Fuyu: China's Fermented Soy Bean Cheese
Summer  20029(2)
Green Tea: Health Perspectives
Summer  20029(2)
Herbs as Food: Hawthorn
Winter  20029(4)
Herbs as Food: Lily Bulbs
Fall  20029(3)
Hmong, The
Summer  20029(2)
Hong Kong Revisited
Spring  20029(1)
Hong Kong Since the Changeover, concluded
Summer  20029(2)
Kazak Food Culture
Winter  20029(4)
Largest Chinese Cookbook Collection in the United States
Winter  20029(4)
Martin Yan: A Prolific and Terrific Author
Summer  20029(2)
On Many Menus in: Chicago, Washington D.C., and Singapore
Winter  20029(4)
On Many Menus: In Peru
Fall  20029(3)
On Menus: In Brooklyn
Fall  20029(3)
On Menus: In Flushing, A Boston suburb, and Cancun
Summer  20029(2)
Winter  20029(4)
Peking-style is Northern Cuisine
Spring  20029(1)
Summer  20029(3)
Prolific and Terrific Author: Deh-Ta Hsiung
Spring  20029(1)
Prolific and Terrific Author: Ken Hom
Fall  20029(3)
Prolific and Terrific Fu Pei Mei
Fall  20029(4)
Restauranteur Bruce Ho, Part I
Winter  20029(4)
Soy Milk in Many Forms
Summer  20029(2)
Tasting Taiwan
Summer  20029(3)
TOPICS INCLUDE: Bamboo pith; Conpoy; Fat Boy; Stuffed Mushrooms with Chicken dish
Summer  20029(2)
TOPICS INCLUDE: Buckthorn fruit; Rice use: More on Martin Yan; Bean curd sheets
Fall  20029(3)
TOPICS INCLUDE: Jews in China; More about a trip to China; Missing ingredient in Eggplant Pickle recipe; Hanover Das Menu book
Spring  20029(1)
TOPICS INCLUDE: White soy sauce; Why Chinese cuisine is rarely mentined; Chinese New Year; Manchurian cuisine; Chinese cake
Fall  20029(4)
TOPICS: 25-year-old restaurant; Chinese table manners; Tea; Pangi nut; Hong Kong Culture and Society-- A book review
Summer  20029(2)
TOPICS: Lap-Souchang vinegar; Cookbooks for the holidays; Tomato use in China; A wine talk; Herbal concerns
Fall  20029(4)

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