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Past Articles for 2002Arrange by Author's last name Arrange by Author's first name Arrange by Title Arrange by Topic Arrange by Publication Date
'Oriental' is Passe
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
Ancient China, Young Tasters
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
Butter and Beauty in Tibet
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
Chinese Calligraphy: The Art of Written Language
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
Chinese Flavors of Peru
| Spring |
2002 | 9(2) |
Chinese Food Court Debut
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
Chinese New Year Food Symbols
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
Cold Food and Ice in the Chinese Culinary
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
Congee: Asia's Bowl Full of Comfort
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
Cuba: Chinese Food and a Festival
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
Dai People
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
Dining, Drinking, Dancing: At the Lion's Den
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
Dollars for Dumplings
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
Duck Boys, Duck Eggs, and Egg-chemists
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
Eel Use: Ancient and Modern
| Fall |
2002 | 9(4) |
Five-star Restaurants: In Singapore, Tokyo, and Peru
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
Fuyu: China's Fermented Soy Bean Cheese
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
Green Tea: Health Perspectives
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
Herbs as Food: Hawthorn
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
Herbs as Food: Lily Bulbs
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
Hmong, The
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
Hong Kong Revisited
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
Hong Kong Since the Changeover, concluded
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
Kazak Food Culture
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
Largest Chinese Cookbook Collection in the United States
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
Martin Yan: A Prolific and Terrific Author
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
On Many Menus in: Chicago, Washington D.C., and Singapore
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
On Many Menus: In Peru
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
On Menus: In Brooklyn
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
On Menus: In Flushing, A Boston suburb, and Cancun
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
Peking-style is Northern Cuisine
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
| Summer |
2002 | 9(3) |
Prolific and Terrific Author: Deh-Ta Hsiung
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
Prolific and Terrific Author: Ken Hom
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
Prolific and Terrific Fu Pei Mei
| Fall |
2002 | 9(4) |
Restauranteur Bruce Ho, Part I
| Winter |
2002 | 9(4) |
Soy Milk in Many Forms
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
Tasting Taiwan
| Summer |
2002 | 9(3) |
TOPICS INCLUDE: Bamboo pith; Conpoy; Fat Boy; Stuffed Mushrooms with Chicken dish
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
TOPICS INCLUDE: Buckthorn fruit; Rice use: More on Martin Yan; Bean curd sheets
| Fall |
2002 | 9(3) |
TOPICS INCLUDE: Jews in China; More about a trip to China; Missing ingredient in Eggplant Pickle recipe; Hanover Das Menu book
| Spring |
2002 | 9(1) |
TOPICS INCLUDE: White soy sauce; Why Chinese cuisine is rarely mentined; Chinese New Year; Manchurian cuisine; Chinese cake
| Fall |
2002 | 9(4) |
TOPICS: 25-year-old restaurant; Chinese table manners; Tea; Pangi nut; Hong Kong Culture and Society-- A book review
| Summer |
2002 | 9(2) |
TOPICS: Lap-Souchang vinegar; Cookbooks for the holidays; Tomato use in China; A wine talk; Herbal concerns
| Fall |
2002 | 9(4) |