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Past Articles for Issue 13(2)

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Beijing Banquet
Summer  200613(2)
Chengdu: The Cradle of Sichuan Cuisine
Summer  200613(2)
Chinese Restaurant Beginnings
Summer  200613(2)
Durian: Daring to Eat This Noisome Delicacy
Summer  200613(2)
Jellyfish: A Royal Texture Food
Summer  200613(2)
New Noodles
Summer  200613(2)
On Menus: In California
Summer  200613(2)
On the Menu: In Taiwan
Summer  200613(2)
Tang Dynasty: Foods and Food Behaviors
Summer  200613(2)
TOPICS INCLUDE: Crossing the Bridge noodles; Restaurant reminder; Recipe correction: Kudos for color; McDonald's in China; Dongan Duck
Summer  200613(2)
TOPICS: Mango pudding; Pet peeves; Museums in China; Dragon Beard candy; Black grass jelly; Angela Cheng update
Summer  200613(2)
Why My Love for Chinese Food
Summer  200613(2)

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