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Past Articles for Issue 7(2)

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Chinese Food in Canada
Two Vancouver Chinese Restaurants
Summer  20007(2)
Chinese Food in China, Hong Kong, and/or Taiwan
Fantastic Chinese Food Festival Tour, A
Summer  20007(2)
Chinese Food in the Middle East
On Menus: In Egypt
Summer  20007(2)
Food as Herbs, Health, and Medicine
Fruits As Food and Medicine: Part One
Summer  20007(2)
Food in History
Imperial Banquets and the Emperor's Meals in Qing China
Summer  20007(2)
Fruits, Desserts, and Other Sweet Foods
Try a Papaya
Summer  20007(2)
Holidays and Celebrations
Luck of the Golden Dragon
Summer  20007(2)
Letters to the Editor
TOPICS INCLUDE: Advertising kudo; Sichuan pepper-salt; Chow Mein sandwich; Red yeast rice
Summer  20007(2)
Newman's News and Notes
TOPICS: 14th Century eating/drinking rules and recipes; Book awards; Upcoming Chinese New Year dates
Summer  20007(2)
Personal Perspectives
Three Cultures, One Restaurant
Summer  20007(2)
Asian Food Information: Print Sources
Summer  20007(2)
Rice, Noodles, and Other Grain Foods
Origins of Chinese Pasta
Summer  20007(2)
Sauces, Seasonings, and Spices
Soy Sauce, China's Liquid Spice
Summer  20007(2)
Soups and Congees
Souper Soup
Summer  20007(2)
Unusual Ingredients
Lizards and Liquor
Summer  20007(2)
Snake as Food and Medicine
Summer  20007(2)

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