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Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Their Foods
Ao Yao People in Huala Village
Fall  200916(3)
Bai Baked Tea in Huoshan Village
Fall  201320(3)
Bai Food Specialties in Dali
Winter  201219(4)
Bai Minority People and Their foods
Summer  201219(2)
Blang: Are Bulang People
Summer  201724(2)
Bouyei, Buyi, or Puyi: One People with Many Names
Winter  200916(4)
Chinese Minority Weddings, Part I
Spring  201118(1)
Chinese Minority Weddings--Part II: Manchu, Hui, Uighur, Miao, and Tujia Peoples
Fall  201118(3)
Chinese Minority Weddings--Part III: The Yi, Mongol, and Tibetan Peoples
Winter  201118(4)
Chinese Minority Weddings--Part IV: About the Buyei; Dong, and Yao People
Spring  201219(1)
Chinese Minority Weddings--Part V: Korean, Bai, Hani, Kazakh, Li, and Dai Peoples
Summer  201219(2)
Cuisine of the Duncan (Hui) People
Summer  200411(2)
Dai and Their Dishes
Fall  201219(3)
Dai People
Fall  20029(3)
Dali Bean Curd and Steamed Cakes
Winter  201320(4)
Dong People and Their Foods
Winter  201219(4)
Dong: A Chinese Nationality
Fall  200714(3)
Gelo: Minority Folk and Their Food
Fall  201623(3)
Hakka: Cuisine and Culture
Summer  201825(2)
Hmong, The
Summer  20029(2)
Hunan Cuisine: Sichuan's Piquant Cousin
Winter  201421(4)
Inner and Outer Mongolia
Fall  201825(3)
Inner Mongolian Features and Foods
Fall  201320(3)
Islamic Cuisine in China
Summer  200411(2)
Kazak Food Culture
Winter  20029(4)
Kyrgyz Food Culture
Fall  200310(3)
Li: an Ethnic Minority
Winter  201724(4)
Manchu People
Winter  200613(4)
Miao: China's Fifth Largest Ethnic Group
Fall  201825(3)
Minorities, Muslims, and Halal Food
Summer  201623(2)
Mongolian Culture and Cuisine in Transition
Fall  20018(3)
Mongolian Foods and Beverages by Cathy Ang
Spring  20007(1)
Mongolian-Chinese in the US
Winter  201724(4)
Mongolians and Their Cuisine by the editor
Spring  20007(1)
Mosou: An Unrecognized Minority
Fall  201825(3)
Naxi, Descendants of the Dongba Culture
Spring  200310(1)
Naxi: A Minority with Many Names
Winter  201825(4)
New Year Minority Celebrations
Summer  201421(2)
On The Menu: Halal Food
Winter  200411(4)
Qing Ming: A Tomb-Sweeping Day
Summer  201724(2)
Tibetan Dietary Culture
Winter  200916(4)
Tibetan Villages
Summer  201926(2)
Tujia: China's 7th Largest Minority
Spring  201421(1)
Ulanqab Foods in Inner Mongolia
Winter  201926()
Uzbek Cuisine, Chinese Style
Fall  200411(3)
Xinjiang's Uygur Food
Spring  200411(1)
Yao People
Winter  200815(4)
Yi People and Their Food
Summer  200310(2)
Yugurs and Uygurs: Two Different Ethnic Minority Populations
Winter  201623(4)
Zhuang People in China
Summer  200512(3)

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