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2003 10(2) Silk Road, The: The Complete Chinese Cookbook
2005 12(3) Chinese Cooking at Home...Its Easy (a letter)
2005 12(3) Authentic Recipes from China
2008 15(2) Best Restaurants 2007
2007 14(1) , Barrie E. Juniper and David J. Mabberly Story of the Apple, The
2008 15(4) Alford, Jeffrey and Duiguid, Naomi Beyond The Great Wall
2019 26(3) Allen, Gary Sauces Reconsidered
2014 21(3) Allen, John S. Omnivorous Mind, The (by John S. Allen)
2007 14(1) and the Historical Society of America, Judy Yung San Francisco's Chinatown
2015 22(3) Anderson, E.N. Food and Environment in Early and Medieval China by E.N. Anderson
2017 24(1) Anderson, Water Ming's Great Chinese Recipies Cookbook
2006 13(4) Andrea Pieroni and Lisa Liemar Price, editorsEating and Healing
2014 21(3) Ang, Audra To The People, Food Is Heaven (by Audra Ang)
2000 7(1) Ang, Eng Tie Delightful Chinese Cooking
2013 20(1) Anusasananan, Linda Hakka Cookbook, The
2018 25(4) Arnold, BM Chop Suey and Sushi from Sea to Shining Sea
2005 12(2) Asiapac Editorial, compilersOrigins of Tea and Wine
2008 15(1) Au, Cindy Making A Nutritious Meal
2000 7(1) B.C. Chinese Nutrition Consultants Chinese Renal Kitchen
2001 8(3) Balbi, Mariella Los Chifas el Peru
2006 13(4) Barnes, Linda Needles, Herbs, Gods, and Ghosts
2015 22(1) Baron, Cynthia; Carson, Diane; and Barnard, MarkAppetites and Anxieties (by Cynthia Baron, Diane Carson, and Mark Barnard)
2001 8(3) Bartell, Karen Hulene Best of Taiwanese Cuisine, The
2003 10(1) Batmanglij, Najmieh Silk Road: A Vegetarian Journey
2006 13(3) Bean, Cathy Bao Chopsticks-Fork Principle, The
2019 26(2) Beckworth, Christopher I. Empires of the Silk Road
2004 11(2) Berman, Stuart Chang Potsticker Chronicles
1999 6(4) Bladholm, Linda Asian Grocery Store Demystified, The
2002 9(3) Blonder, Ellen Leong Dim Sum: The Art of Chinese Tea Lunch
1998 5(4) Blonder, Ellen and Low, AnnabelEvery Grain of Rice
2003 10(4) Bosse, Sara and Watanna, OnotoChinese-Japanese Cookbook
2008 15(2) Brown, J.D. Berlitz Pocket Guide Shanghai
2001 8(2) Buell, Paul D. and Anderson, Eugene N.Soup for the Qan
1998 5(2) by the editors of Weight Watchers InternationalStir-fry to Szechuan--100 Classic Chinese Recipes
1998 5(1) by Wini Brugger and edited by Gillian SutchAsian Fusion
1998 5(4) by Wini Brugger and edited by Gillian SutchAsian Fusion (another point of View)
2011 18(1) Carla Snyder and Meridith DeedsTake-out Menu Cookbook, The
2010 17(1) Chai, May-ll and Winberg, Chai China A to Z
2006 13(2) Chan, Chen Hai Dim Sum
2011 18(1) Chan, Irene Home Dishes with Dried Seafoods
2006 13(3) Chan, Jeffery Eat Everything Before you Die
2017 24(3) Chan, Lum China the Cookbook
2007 14(2) Chan, Tony Stylish Chinese Cuisine
2006 13(3) Chan, Wendy and Niwa, Grace New Asian Cuisine
2005 12(3) Chan, Wynnie Fresh Chinese
2005 12(4) Chan Chen HeiArt of Taste, The
2010 17(3) Chan WeiHomemade Siu Mei and Luo Mei
2002 9(2) Chang, Agnes Hawkers' Delights
2000 7(3) Chang, Angela Chinese Home Entertaining
2002 9(4) Chang, Angela Intriguing World of Chinese Home Cooking, The
1997 4(4) Chang, Chao-liang Vegetables as Medicine
2004 11(4) Chang, Iris Chinese in America, The
2015 22(4) Chang, Irving Chinese Cuisine Along the Grand Canal (by Irving B. Chang)
1995 2(2) Chao, Buwei Yang How to Cook and Eat in Chinese
2015 22(1) Chatterjee, Anjan Mainland China Cookbook by Anjan Chatterjee
1994 1(1) Chen, Helen Helen Chen's Chinese Home Cooking
1998 5(2) Chen, Helen Helen Chen Cooks International
2009 16(4) Chen, Helen Easy Chinese Stir-fries
2010 17(3) Chen, Helen Easy Asian Noodles
2009 16(4) Chen, Jade and Muriel Blue Eye Dragon Taiwanese Cooking
2009 16(4) Chen, Kenichi Iron Chef Chen's Knockout Kitchen
2002 9(3) Chen, Li-jung Shanghai Cuisine
2013 20(3) Chen, Loumin Steamed Dishes
2015 22(4) Chen, Shan-Shan Mei-Mei's Lucky Birthday Noodles by Shan-Shan Chen
2009 16(4) Chen, Teresa Tradition of Soup, A
2006 13(1) Cheng, Angela All About Meat
2006 13(1) Cheng, Angela Creative Chinese Home Dishes
2006 13(1) Cheng, Angela Home Banquet
2007 14(1) Cheng, Angela Spice Up Your World
2007 14(4) Cheng, Angela Shanghainese Homestyle Cooking
2007 14(4) Cheng, Angela Magic of Lu, The
2009 16(4) Cheng, Lisung, et al editorsBerkshire Encyclopedia of China
2002 9(2) Cheung, Sidney and Siumi, Maria Tam; compilers Hong Kong Society and Culture
2008 15(2) Chiang, Cecilia Seventh Daughter, The
2006 13(4) Chiang Shun LiuEasy and Tasty Appetizers
2009 16(2) Chiasson, Paul Island of the Seven Cities, The
2008 15(2) Chin, Annping Authentic Confucious, The
2016 23(3) Chin, Katie Everyday Chinese Cookbook
2001 8(4) Chin, Leeann and Chin, KatieEveryday Chinese Cooking
1998 5(3) Chiu, Elizabeth King, and Dean, Donna H. Wok a Week, A
2011 18(3) Cho, Lily Eating Chinese
2006 13(1) Choi, Kitty Basic Chinese Cooking Course
2006 13(2) Choi, Kitty Pun-choi and Dried Seafood Cooking Course
2006 13(2) Choi, Kitty Traditional Dishes of Hong Kong
2007 14(2) Choi, Kitty Tasty Dan Jia Cuisine
2009 16(2) Choi, Kitty 100 Best Sauces
2010 17(1) Choi, Kitty (Cai Jieyi) Classic Hong Kong Delicacies
2018 25(3) Chou, Hsiao-Ching Chinese Soul Food
2007 14(4) Chow Wei CheChow Chung's Kitchen
2013 20(3) Choy, Philip San Francisco
2009 16(3) Choy, Philip P. Architecture of San Francisco Chinatown, The
1999 6(4) Choy, Sam Sam Choy's Island Flavors
2018 25(4) Christensen, Karen Asian Cuisines
2017 24(2) Christensen, Mathew B. Decoding China
2017 24(2) Christensen, Matthew A Geek in China
2017 24(2) Christensen, Shanti Family Style Chinese Cookbook
2004 11(2) Chu, Carl Finding Chinese Food in Los Angeles
2004 11(4) Chu, Carl Chinese Food Finder: Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley
2005 12(2) Chu, Carl Chinese Food Finder: The Bay Area and San Francisco
2005 12(1) Chu, Carl Chinese Food Finder: New York
2011 18(3) Chu, Lawrence C.C. Celebrating Your Place AT Our Table
2011 18(1) Chu, Lisa Dim Sum, A Survival Guide
2013 20(3) Chung, Yanomi Steaming (by Chung)
2006 13(3) Civitello, Linda Cuisine and Culture
2009 16(4) Coe, Andrew Chop Suey: A Cultural History of Chinese Food in the United States
1997 4(4) Cohen, Kenneth S. Way of Qigong, The
2001 8(3) Compestine, Ying Chang Secrets of Fat-free Chinese Cooking
2002 9(4) Compestine, Ying Chang Secrets from a Healthy Asian Kitchen
2002 9(4) Compestine, Ying Chang Story of Chopsticks; and The Story of Noodles
2013 20(2) Compestine, Ying Chang Ying's Best One-dish Meals.
2001 8(1) Compestine, Yung Chang Cooking with Green Tea
1998 5(1) Conn, Peter Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography
2001 8(2) Cramer, Marc Imperial Mongolian Cooking
2005 12(4) Creasy, Rosalind Edible Asian Garden, The
2019 26(3) Crook, Steven A Culinary History of Taipei, Beyond Pork and Ponlai
1997 4(4) Dai, Yin-fang and Liu, Cheng-jun Fruits as Medicine
2002 9(1) Dang Yi, Wang Huizhu, and Peng YongChinese Health Tea
2001 8(4) Dang Yi; Peng Yong; and Li WenkuiChinese Functional Food
2009 16(3) Danhi, Robert Southeast Asian Flavors
2012 19(1) Danielson, Eric N. Discover Shanghai
2002 9(2) David Y.H. Wu and Chee-beng Tan, editorsChanging Chinese Foodways in Asia
2000 7(1) Davidson, Alan Oxford Companion to Food, The
2004 11(2) Davidson, Alan Seafood of Southeast Asia
2007 14(2) Davis, Marvin W. Consumer’s Guide to Dietary Supplements and Alternative Medicines
2017 24(2) De Mente, Boye Etiquette Guide to China
2011 18(3) De Mente, Boye Lafayette Chinese Mind, The
2000 7(1) Deng, Ming-Dao Zen: The Modern Art of Eastern Cooking
2008 15(2) Denker, Joel World on a Plate, The
2016 23(2) Dharma Realm Cookbook Team of TaiwanWok Wisely
2008 15(3) Di, Xianghua Food-lover's Journey Around China, A
2004 11(1) Do Shaopeng, Compiler Cook Easy! Eat Healthy: Poultry & Seafood
2007 14(4) Dobson, Ross Chinatown Sweet Sour Spicy Salty
2002 9(3) Doeser, Linda World Cooks Collection: Chinese Kitchen
1996 3(1) DoLing, Annabel Macao on a Plate
1998 5(3) Dr. Duo Guo, consultant editor with consulting help by Bernie, Barbara Chinese Medicine
2004 11(1) Du Shaopeng, compilerCook Easy! Eat Healthy! Grains - Beans - Fungi
2009 16(1) Du Bois, Christine M; Ta, Chee-Beng; and Mintz, Sidney W., editors World of Soy, The
2012 19(2) Du Fuxiang and Li XiaoqingChinese Culinary Culture
2004 11(1) Du Shaopeng, complierCook Easy! Eat Healthy! Fruits and Vegetables
2007 14(3) Duncan, Dorothy Canadians At Table
2011 18(2) Duncan, Dorothy Feasting and Fasting
2003 10(4) Dunlop, Fuchsia Land of Plenty
2007 14(3) Dunlop, Fuchsia Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook
2017 24(2) Dunlop, Fuchsia A Land of Fish and Rice
2008 15(4) Dunlop, Fuschia Shark's Fin and Sichuan Pepper
2013 20(4) Dunlop, Fuschia Every Grain of Rice
2007 14(3) Eagen, Angie; Tulloch, Justina; and Hu, MabelNot Just a Food Guide: Shanghai
1999 6(3) edited by: Ang, Catharina Y.W.; Liu, KeShun; and Huang, Yao-WenAsian Foods: Science and Technology
1998 5(3) edited by: Liu, Christine; Woo, Judy; Wing, Rhoda; Chien, Sandra; and Laung, Yin YanWoking on the Healthy Side
2002 9(2) Elkins, Rita Chinese Red Yeast Rice
2016 22(4) Ellis, Markman Empire of Tea The by Markman Ellis, Richard Coulton, and Mathew Mauger
2008 15(4) Elms, Greg Snake Fang Salad
2016 23(2) Erway, Cathy Food of Taiwan, The
2012 19(4) Feng YuanConcise Chinese-English Dictionary of Food and Drink, A
2003 10(3) Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe Near a Thousand Tables
1999 6(1) Flaws, Bob Tao of Healing, The
1999 6(4) Flaws, Bob Chinese Secrets of Health and Longevity
1997 4(4) Flaws, Bob Book of Jook, The
2007 14(4) Fleetwood, Jennie and Pannell, Maggi, editors Healthy Chinese Cookbook, The
2010 17(1) Flower, Kathy China: The Essential Guide to Customs and Culture
2009 16(1) Fong-Torres, Shirley Woman Who Ate Chinatown, The
1995 2(4) Foo, Susanna Chinese Cuisine
2006 13(3) Foo, Susanna Susanna Foo Fresh Inspiration
2002 9(4) Frankel, Edith and Joel Wine and Sprits of the Ancestors
2010 17(2) Furuya, Linda How to Cook a Dragon
2015 22(3) Gallani, Barbara Dumplings: A Global History by Barbara Gallani
1997 4(1) Gelber, Irwin Asian Cooking
2004 11(2) Gillette, Maris Boyd Between Mecca and Beijing
2012 20(1) Gok WanGok Cooks Chinese
2013 20(1) Gok WanGok Cooks Chinese
2003 10(1) Gomez de Silva, Guido International Dictionary of Gastronomy
2008 15(4) Gong WenLifestyle in China
2012 19(3) Gong, Sasha and Seligman, ScottCultural Revolution Cookbook, The
2007 14(1) Green, Aliza Field Guide to Herbs & Spices
2001 8(3) Grogan, Bryanna Clark Authentic Chinese Cuisine
2008 15(4) Guo, Danying and Wang, Jianrong Art of Tea in China, The
2009 16(2) Guo, Danying and Wang, Jianrong Old Tea Service Classic
2006 13(4) Guo, Zibin Ginseng and Aspirin
2005 12(2) Hamilton, Roy W. Art of Rice, The
2008 15(3) Hammond, Sallie and Gordon Bamboo, A Journey with Chinese Food
2008 15(4) han, Queenie Tasty Dishes for Queenie
2001 8(2) Hara, Yukihiho Green Tea: Health Benefits and Applications
2002 9(1) Harding, Justine editorFood of China, The
2013 20(2) Harris, Phyllis Asian Flavors
1998 5(1) Hausch, Christine Messer Culinary Chronicle, The
2008 15(2) Heiss, Mary Lou and Robert Story of Tea, The
2015 22(2) Heiss, Mary Lou and Heiss, Robert J.History of Tea, The by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J.
2010 17(1) Herzberg, Larry and Qin China Survival Guide
2010 17(4) Hessler, Peter Country Driving
2011 18(1) Hilbert, Claire China, A World of Food
2008 15(4) Hohenegger, Beatrice Liquid Jade
2018 25(4) Hollmann, Thomas O. The Land of the Five Flavors
2005 12(3) Hom, Jon Renegade Wok
1997 4(4) Hom, Ken Easy Family Recipes from a Chinese-American Childhood
1994 1(1) Hom, Ken Ken Hom's Illustrated Chinese Cookery, revised
1999 6(2) Hom, Ken Easy Family Dishes: A Memoir with Recipes
1999 6(2) Hom, Ken Ken Hom's Hot Wok
1999 6(2) Hom, Ken Ken Hom Travels with a Hot Wok
2001 8(2) Hom, Ken Foolproof Chinese Cooking
2008 15(3) Hom, Ken Wok & Co.
2012 19(3) Hom, Ken 100 Quick Stir-fry Recipes
2012 19(4) Hom, Ken Classic Chinese Recipes
2013 20(1) Hom, Ken Classic Chinese Recipes
2013 20(2) Hom, Ken Complete Chinese Cookbook
2013 20(2) Hom, Ken and Huang, Ching-HeExploring China, A Culinary Adventure
2015 22(2) Hom, Ken and Huang, Ching-HeExploring China: Culinary Adventure (by Ken Hom and Ching-He Huang)
2004 11(1) Hong, Daisy Sweet Dynasty, a series of twelve volumes
2004 11(3) Hong, Yimlong and Hong, YinquoHealthy Cooking with Vegetarian Principles
2000 7(3) Horng, Chen Chen Horng Serves the Table
2006 13(3) Hou, Jungang and Zeng, Shufang Bird's Nest Recipes for Pregnant Women and Different Age Groups
2011 18(2) Hou, editor, Gary G. Asian Noodles (edited by Hou)
2016 23(1) Hsiang, Ju Lin Slippery Noodles
2000 7(2) Hsiung, Deh-Ta Chinese Kitchen, The (by Hsiung)
2005 12(4) Hsu, Tony Healthy Fruit Vegetables
2007 14(1) Hsu, Tony Chiang-che Cuisine
2005 12(4) Hu, Shiu-ying Food Plants of China
2015 22(3) Hu Sihui, a Chinese court medical practitionerSoup For The Qan, A (translation of Hu Szu-Hui's book titled in Chinese as: Yin Shan Cheng-Yao)
2006 13(2) Hua, Huisheng Talking About Sharksfin Cooking Ways
2007 14(3) Huang, Ching-He China Modern
2009 16(2) Huang, Ching-he Chinese Food Made Easy
2013 20(3) Huang, Ching-He Ching's Everyday Easy Chinese
2015 22(2) Huang, Ching-He Ching's Chinese Food in Minutes (by Ching-He Huang)
2017 24(3) Huang, Eddie Fresh Off the Boat
2001 8(3) Huang, H.T. Science and Civilization in China--Volume VI:5
2002 9(3) Hugh Carpenter and Teri SandersonWok Fast
2007 14(1) Hui Chan, Fan-Yuk Distinctive Snacks of Hong Kong
2010 17(2) Hulin, Belinda Chinese Cooking
2006 13(4) Hung, Fanny Soups of Fighting the Flu
2005 12(2) Hutton, Wendy Cook's Guide to Asian Vegetables, A
2006 13(4) Inness, Sherrie A. Secret Ingredients
2003 10(4) Isacs, John Taipei Best 100 Chinese Restaurants
2004 11(3) Jackson, Annabel Taste of Macau: Portuguese Cuisine on the China Coast
2009 16(2) Jen, Lin-liu Serve the People: A Stir-fried Journey Through China
2016 23(4) Jenner, Caryn Welcome To China
2010 17(2) Jewell, Rebekah Lin Art of Chinese Cooking, The (by Jewell)
1997 4(3) Jones, Bill & Wong, Stephen New World Noodles
1998 5(2) Jones, Bill and Wong, Stephen New World Chinese Cooking
2002 9(1) Jun Jing, EditorFeeding China's Little Emperors
2011 18(3) Jung, John Sweet and Sour
2006 13(4) Kafka, Barbara with Styler, ChristopherVegetable Love
2019 26(2) Kahn, Paul Secret History of the Mongols
1998 5(4) Kam, Kimsen and Leung, Hui Hin Great Dishes of Yung Kee
2001 8(2) Kan, Lilah Introducing Chinese Casserole Cookery
2007 14(4) Kapoor, Sanjeev Best of Chinese Cooking
2001 8(1) Karch, Steven P. Herbal Medicine
2003 10(4) Katz, Solomon H., editor-in-chiefEncyclopedia of Food and Culture
2008 15(2) Kelly, Elizabeth Esther Tibetan Cooking
2008 15(1) Khoon, Yeo Puay and Illydea Seulasteri, editorsFeast of Flavors from the Chinese Kitchen
2016 23(4) King, Elizabeth Chui Good Chinese Daughter
2001 8(2) Kiple, Kenneth and Kriemhild, Conee Orrnelas Cambridge World History of Food, The
2014 21(1) Klein, Donna Chinese Vegan Kitchen, The by Donna Klein
2017 24(1) Krishnendu, Ray The Ethnic Restaurateur
1998 5(1) Kritch, John Won Ton Lust
2014 21(3) Ku, Robert Ji-Song Dubious Gastronomy by Robert Ji-Song Ku
2017 24(3) Ku, Robert Ji-Song Eating Asian American
2013 20(3) Kuan, Diana Chinese Take-out Cookbook, The
2001 8(2) Kulibert, Brenda Outdoor Wok Cookbook, The
2016 23(4) Kwei, Amy, S. A Concubine for the Family
2015 22(4) Kwong, Kylie Lantern Cookery Classics--Kylie Kwong by Kylie Kwong
2003 10(4) Kwong, Kylie Kylie Kwong Recipes and Stories
2008 15(3) Kwong, Kylie My China
2015 22(3) Kwong, KylieKylie Kwong by Kylie Kwong
2006 13(3) Kwong, Peter and Miscevic, DusankaChinese America
2014 21(1) Lai, Theresa Festive Delicacies by Theresa Lai
2008 15(2) Lai Lik KeungUnforgettable Taste of Chinese Cakes
2000 7(4) Lam, Kam Chuen & Lam, Kai Sin Feng Shui Kitchen, The
2006 13(1) Lam, Sandy My Shanghai
2002 9(3) Lam Kam Cheun, Lam Kai Sin, and Lam Tin YuWay of Tea, The
2016 23(3) Lao, Kenny Hey There, Dumpling!
1997 4(3) Lauden, Rachael Food of Paradise, The
2006 13(1) Lee, Chih-hung Cooking the Microwave Way
2009 16(1) Lee, Jennifer 8 Fortune Cookie Chonicles
2009 16(1) Lee, Josephine Tsui Yueh New York City's Chinese Community
2006 13(1) Lee, Meixian Vegetarian Delights
2007 14(2) Lee, Slow Mong Spectrum of Chinese Culture
2006 13(2) Lee, Susur Susur: A Culinary Life
2008 15(1) Leong, Lydia Flavours of the Middle Kingdom
2007 14(1) Leong, Patrick Best Recipes of Zen, The
2005 12(4) Leong, Sam Wok Through Time, A
2009 16(2) Leong, Sam Sensations
2010 17(4) Leong, Sam Taste of Home, A
2012 19(1) Leung, Jereme New Beijing Cuisine
1998 5(4) Leung, Mai New Classic Chinese Cookbook, The
2010 17(3) Leung Wai ShanDim Sum in Hong Kong
2003 10(2) Levathes, Louise When China Ruled the Seas
2012 19(3) Lewis, May-yin May Easy Hong Kong Cooking at Home
2004 11(3) Li, Kit Shan Dim Sum: A Pocket Guide
2005 12(3) Li, Leslie Daughter of Heaven
2008 15(4) Li, Shaobing Enjoy Tea in Beijing
2001 8(1) Li, Thomas S.C. Medicinal Plants
2012 19(4) Li, Zhengping Chinese Wine
2015 22(4) Li JianSix young folks bi-lingual books about China, all by Li Jian
2004 11(4) Liang, Chung-pai Say Tomato--45 Ways to Enjoy Lycopene
2006 13(1) Liang, Chung-pai Cuttlefish Tasty
2010 17(1) Liang, Chung-pai Good Broth Makes Good Dishes
2013 20(3) Liang, Qiling, compiler Steaming (by Qiling)
2004 11(1) Lin, Shulian Everyday Dishes
2006 13(1) Lin, Theresa Huiyi Cheng Home-made Dishes
2004 11(4) Lin Shulian; Chen Jinwan; and Huang HuailingFamous Dishes & Great Cook: A series of three books
2011 18(2) Ling YunChinese Tea
2007 14(4) Lingen, Marissa K. Chinese Immigration
1999 6(2) Liu, Keshun Soybeans
2016 23(3) Liu, Loretta Modern Dim Sum
2002 9(1) Liu Chun-gen, Lan Peijin, and Sun Shuming, editorsLearn to Cook Chinese Dishes
2006 13(4) Liu LingyiPeppery Hot
2014 21(2) Liu, Kau-yinFeast of Master Chef by Liu Kau-yin
1995 2(4) Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei From the Earth, Chinese Vegetarian Cooking
1997 4(3) Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei Chinese Way, The--A Second Look
1997 4(2) Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei Chinese Way, The
2000 7(1) Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei Chinese Kitchen, The (by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo)
2004 11(3) Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei Chinese Chicken Cookbook, The
2007 14(2) Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei My Grandmother's Kitchen
2010 17(3) Lo, Eileen Yin-Fei Mastering the Art of Chinese Cooking
2004 11(2) Lo, Kenneth Feast of MyLife
1999 6(1) Lo, Vivienne and Lo, Jenny150 Recipes From the Teahouse
2012 19(1) London, Georges Un Tour Gastronomique de la Chine
2012 19(2) Low, Bee Yin Easy Chinese Recipes
1998 5(2) Lowe, Kathy, editor Chinese Cooking Our Legacy
2007 14(2) Lu, Henry C. Chinese Natural Cures
2016 23(4) Lu Yin and Du LiSichuan (China) Cuisine in Both Chinese and English
2007 14(3) Lucchesi, Serena Jeow with Marilyn Chinn Le Tourneau Bob Chinn's Crab House Cookbook
2006 13(2) Lumang, Flora B. Quick and Easy Stir-fry Dishes
2015 22(2) Luo, Jailin China Tea Book, The (by Jailin Luo)
2006 13(4) Lyle, Susanne Fruits & Nuts
2016 23(2) Mabbott, Lizzie China Town Kitchen From Noodles to Nuoc Cham
2015 22(4) Major, John S. The Silk Route by John Major
2009 16(1) Mak, Chung-man Stay Young Forever
2016 23(4) Mallet, Jean-Francois Chinatowns
2008 15(1) Martin, Laura C. Tea: The Drink That Changed The World
2015 22(2) Marton, Renee Rice: A Global History (by Renee Marton)
2010 17(3) Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J. HeissTea Enthusiast's Handbook, The
2009 16(2) McDermott, Nancie Quick and Easy Chinese
2019 26(2) Mei, Yuan Recipes From the Garden Of Contentment
2017 24(2) Mendelson, Anne Chow Chop Suey
2003 10(2) Menzies, Gavin 1421: The Year China Discovered America
1999 6(1) Miles, Elizabeth Fung Shui Cookbook, The
2011 18(2) Miller, Frederic P; Agnes Vandome, and John BresterAmerican Chinese Cuisine
2013 20(4) Miller, Jeff and Deutsch JonathonFood Studies
2007 14(1) Mills, Simon and Bone, KerryEssential Guide to Herbal Safety, The
2011 18(2) Min, Anchee Pearl of China
2005 12(2) Minnick, Sylvia Sun; and Wong, WilliamChinese Community of Stockton, The; and Oakland's Chinatown
1998 5(2) Mitscher, Lester A. and Dolby, Victoria Green Tea Book, The
2005 12(3) Mok Tin ChiNutritious Soups for My Dearest Karen
2007 14(3) Mones, Nicole Last Chinese Chef, The
2019 26(2) Mones, Nicole The Last Chinese Chef
2010 17(2) Mooney, Eileen Wen Beijing Eats
2007 14(4) Morris, Alan (Mok Tin Chi) with his wife EleanorSelected Recipes for My Karen
2002 9(2) Morris, Sallie and Hsiung, Deh-TaChinese & Asian Cookbook, The
2004 11(3) Morris, Sallie and Hsiung, Deh-TaPractical Encyclopedia of Asian Cooking, The
2000 7(4) Mote, F.W. Imperial China 900 - 1800
2019 26(3) Moyer-Nocci, Karima The Eternal Table: A Cultural History of Food in Rome
2008 15(2) Murray, Sarah Movable Feasts
2005 12(1) Nan Lu with Ellen ShaplowskyNatural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts, A
2002 9(2) New Citizens Hmong Garden ProjectHmong Recipe Cookbook, The
2004 11(4) Newman, Jacqueline M. Food Culture in China
2008 15(2) Newman, Jacqueline M. Cooking from China's Fujian Province
2008 15(4) Newman, Jacqueline M. Martin Yan's China
2004 11(1) Newman and HalpornChinese Cuisine and the American Palate
2010 17(2) Nguyen, Andrea Asian Dumplings
2008 15(1) no author givenContemporary Chinese Cuisine
2008 15(1) none indicatedContemporary Chinese Vegetarian Cuisine
2016 23(4) O'Connor, Jane Hidden Army: Clay Soldiers of Ancient China
2001 8(4) Ody, Penelope; Chinese Herbal Book, The
2012 19(1) Ong Jin TeongPenang Heritage Food
2016 23(3) Osborne, Mary Pope Magic Tree House Fact Tracker: China
2003 10(2) Palter, Robert Duchess of Malfi's Apricots, and Other Literary Fruits, The
2008 15(4) Pan, Chunfang Yixing Pottery--The World of Tea Culture
2010 17(1) Pan, Hongzi Home-cooked Taiwanese Cuisines
2004 11(4) Pan, Lynn Sons of the Yellow Emperor
2000 7(4) Pan Lynn, general editorEncyclopedia of the Overseas Chinese
2016 23(4) Pang, Jeremy Unchopped
2016 23(4) Pang, Jeremy Chinese Unchopped
2006 13(2) Parker, Suzanne Eating Like Queens
2003 10(4) Parkinson, Rhonda Lauret Everything Chinese Gourmet, The
2011 18(3) Peltier, Warren Ancient Art of Tea, The
2016 23(3) Peng, Y.S. Hunan
1999 6(1) Pettigrew, Jane Tea Companion. The
2017 24(2) Phillips, Carolyn All Under Heaven
2017 24(2) Phillips, Carolyn The Dim Sum Field Guide
1999 6(1) Podreka, Tomislav Serendipity
2005 12(4) Poon, Joseph K.K. Life is Short...Cooking is Fun
1999 6(4) Producers: Heath, Andy and Minnix, EliseMusic and Recipes of the Orient
2009 16(4) Qu, Dongyu and Xie, Kaiyun, editorsHow the Chinese Eat Potatoes
2011 18(2) Raghavan, Susheela Flavors of Malaysia
1998 5(4) Read, Margaret Fortune Cookie Cook Book, The
1996 3(1) Reid, Daniel Complete Book of Chinese Health & Healing, The
2003 10(1) Roberts, J.A.G. China to Chinatown: Chinese Food in the West
1999 6(1) Rosa Lo San and Suzanne LeVertChinese Healing Foods
1999 6(4) Rosalind Mowe, edited by Southeast Asian Specialities
2012 19(3) Rose, Sarah For All the Tea in China
1996 3(3) Ross, Rosa Lo San Beyond Bok Choy: Guide to Asian Vegetables
1995 2(2) Ross, Rosa Lo San 365 Ways To Cook Chinese
2003 10(4) Sanger, Amy Wilson Yum Yum Dim Sum
2016 23(3) Sanger, Amy Wilson Yum Yum Dim Sum
1995 2(1) Saso, Michael Taoist Cookbook, A
1996 3(3) Schultz, Judy Looking for China
2011 18(2) Schweid, Richard Consider the Eel
2009 16(4) Scripter, Sami and yang, Sheng Cooking From the Heart
2019 26(2) Seligman, Scott D. The First Chinese American
2010 17(1) Shaw, Steven A. Asian Dining Rules
2015 22(3) Sheraton, Mimi 1,000 Foods To Eat Before You Die by Mimi Sheraton
2003 10(3) Shih, Joan Art of Chinese Cookery, The (by Shih)
2019 26(2) Shumin, Sun Oolong Tea
2001 8(1) Shun Wah, Annette and Gregg Aiken Banquet: Ten Courses to Harmony
2006 13(2) Siegel, Donald From Lokshen to Lo Mein
1997 4(2) Simonds, Nina Asian Noodles (by Simonds)
1999 6(3) Simonds, Nina Spoonful of Ginger, A
2005 12(4) Simonds, Nina Spices of Life
2015 22(4) Smith, Andrew F. Sugar: A Global History by Andrew Smith
2016 23(2) Smith, Andrew F. Savoring Gotham
1998 5(3) So, Yan-Kit Homestyle Chinese Cooking
2008 15(1) Solomon, Charmaine LowCarb Chinese Cooking
2005 15(1) Solomon, Charmaine LowCarb Chinese Cooking
2008 15(4) Song Weizhong; Wang Jiaya; and Zhou ShuoBeijing Local Delicacies
2004 11(4) Spence, Jonathan D. Chan's Great Continent, The
2001 8(3) Sperling, Richard; Chong, Eli=zabet; and Qin, Lushan Charles World Food: Hong Kong
2011 18(1) Spurling, Hilary Pearl Buck in China
2004 11(3) Stepanchuk, Carol Exploring Chinatown: A Children's Guide to Chinese Culture
2006 13(4) Steven Foster and Rebecca L. JohnsonDesk Reference to Nature's Medicine
2008 15(1) Stevens, Jan Romero Carlos Digs to China
2006 13(3) Sue, Jacqueline Annette Cornbread and Dim Sum
2015 22(1) Sun Qinqin, Zhu Ying, Tao Wu, Wu Renzhong, and Qin ShenzhongEssential Guide To China' Top Restaurants, An (by Sun Qinqin, Zhu Ying, Tao Wu. Wu Renzhong, and Qin Shenzhong)
2005 12(2) Sung, Vivien Five-fold Happiness
2009 16(3) Swislocki, Mark Culinary Nostalgia
2007 14(2) Tai, Michael Shanghainese Cuisine Makes Possible
2015 22(4) Tan, Cecilia Family Herbal Cookbook, The by Cecilia Tan
2012 19(1) Tan, Cheryl Lu-Lien A Tiger in the Kitchen
2010 17(1) Tan, Terry Food and Cooking of South China, The
2012 19(4) Tan, Terry Food and Cooking of Sichuan and West China, The
2014 21(1) Tan, Terry Food and Cooking of Shanghai and East China by Terry Tan
2014 21(3) Tan, Terry Mandarin Food and Cooking by Terry Tan
2016 23(1) Tan, Terry Little Guide Book Chinese Herbs, Spices and More
2014 21(2) Tan, Christopher and Van, AmyChinese Heritage Cooking by Christopher Tan and Amy Van
2011 18(3) Tanumihardja, Patricia Asian Grandmothers Cookbook, The
2012 19(3) Tate, Mary Kate and Tate, NateFeeding the Dragon
2000 7(4) Tchen, John Kuo Wei New York Before Chinatown
2000 7(1) Teubner, Christian Rice Bible, The
2000 7(1) Teubner, Christian;Vegetable Bible, The
2001 8(2) The Asia Society, editors at Asia in New York City: A Cultural Travel Guide
2006 13(4) Thomas, Cathy Melissa's Great Book of Produce
2009 16(3) Tom, Irene Kwok Mystique Of Chinese Culinary Creations, The
2007 14(3) Tong, Michael Shun Lee Cookbook, The
2003 10(4) Trang, Corinne Essentials of Asian Cuisine
2004 11(2) Tsai, Ming Simply Ming
2000 7(3) Tsai, Ming and Boehm, ArthurBlue Ginger
2015 22(3) Tse, Helen and Lisa Sweet Mandarin Cookbook (by Helen and Lisa Tse)
2008 15(4) Tsoi, Chiu-Fai Abalone, Sea Cucumber, Shark's Fin, Fish Maw
2008 15(4) Tsoi, Chiu-Fai Dried Seafood & Chinese Foodstuff
2009 16(1) Tsoi, Chiu-Fai Fish
2014 21(1) Tsui, Bonnie American Chinatown: A People's History of Five Chinese Neighborhoods by Bonnie Tsui
2007 14(4) Tu Zong HeTea Cuisine for Starting Business
2001 8(1) Uhl, Susheela Raghavan Handbook of Spices, Seasonings, and Flavorings
2006 13(2) van Wyk, Ben-Erik Food Plants of the World
2004 11(2) Vergne, Elisa Chinese Pavillion
2008 15(2) Volkwein, Ann Chinatown New York
2009 16(3) Wai, Andy Chef Andy: Amazing Ingredients
2009 16(3) Wakiya, Yuji Haute Chinese Cuisine from the Kitchen of Wakiya
2019 26(2) Wang, Di The Teahouse
2002 9(1) Wang, Ling Chinese Tea Culture: The Origin of Tea Drinking
2017 24(3) Wang, Naili Food in Shanghai
2016 23(1) Wang, Q. Edward Chopsticks: A Cultural and Culinary History
2016 23(4) Wang, Renxiang, Wang, David W., and Brielyn, Jo Cooking Well, Healthy Chinese
2005 12(3) Wang LingTea and Chinese Culture
2002 9(2) Wang, Fuchun and Duan, YuhuaGinger, Garlic & Green Onion as Medicine
1999 6(3) Wangmo, Tsering and Houshman, ZaraLhasa Moon Tibetan Cookbook, The
2010 17(1) Warshaw, Hope S. Restaurant Companion, The
2012 19(2) Weaver, William Woys Culinary Ephemera
2003 10(3) Weeks, Martha E. New Kyrgyz-English Culinary Dictionary, The
2005 12(3) Weeks, Martha E. Kyrgyz Cooking
2006 13(4) Wei ChinObsessed with Curry
2012 19(1) Wend, Maoan Stir Fry Dishes
2017 24(3) Weng, Lili Most Popular Quick and Easy Chinese Recipes
2005 12(3) Wheeler, Tony Rice Trails
2009 16(2) Winchester, Simon Man Who Loved China, The
2016 23(1) Wong, Andrew A. Wong The Cookbook
2014 21(2) Wong, Annie Magnificent 9, The by Annie Wong
2007 14(4) Wong, Belinda Life is a Banquet
2005 12(2) Wong, Benedict Norbert Lo & Behold Good Enough To Eat
2009 16(3) Wong, Gigi Miracle Meals
2009 16(3) Wong, Gigi Dainty Treats
2014 21(2) Wong, Gigi Favorite Food for the Beloved by Gigi Wong
2006 13(4) Wong, Irene Delicious Home-made Dishes
2007 14(4) Wong, Irene Hong Kong Nourishing of Life Dessert
2007 14(2) Wong, Janice Chow
2006 13(3) Wong, Julie, editor Nonya Flavours
2008 15(1) Wong, Richard Modern Asian Flavors: A Taste of Shanghai
1997 4(1) Wong, Stephen HeartSmart Chinese Cooking
2016 23(1) Wong, Janice and Mar Jian Jun.Dim Sum: A Flour Forward Approach
2015 22(4) Wong, Lee AnneDumplings All Day Wong by Lee Anne Wong
2008 15(3) Worrall, Brandy Lien, editor Eating Stories
2007 14(3) Wu, Jung-Nuan Illustrated Chinese Materia Medica, An
2014 21(1) Wu XuFarming, Cooking, and Eating Practices in the Central China Highlands by Wu Xu
2002 9(3) Wu, David Y.H. and Cheung, Sydney C.H., editors, Globalization of Chinese Food, The
2014 21(3) Xu, Meida Chiu Chau Cuisine by Meida Xu
2004 11(3) Xu, Shitao Origins of Chinese Cuisine
2007 14(1) Xu ChengbeiOld Beijing: People, Houses, and Lifestyles
2008 15(1) Xu Ruqi, editorFood and Chinese Culture
2014 21(1) Yam, Lisa One Ingredient, Three Ways by Lisa Yam
1998 5(1) Yan, Martin Asia
2000 7(3) Yan, Martin Invitation to Chinese Cooking
1999 6(2) Yan, Martin Martin Yan's Feast
2001 8(2) Yan, Martin Chinese Cooking for Dummies
2001 8(4) Yan, Martin Martin Yan's Asian Favorites from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand
2002 9(2) Yan, Martin Blissful Cooking
2003 10(1) Yan, Martin Martin Yan's Chinatown Cooking
2005 12(1) Yan, Martin Martin Yan Quick & Easy
2007 14(1) Yan LiaoFood and Festivals of China
2015 22(3) Yang, Kao Kalia Latehomecomer, The by Kao Kalia Yang
2013 20(2) Yang Yeung, chief editorGrandma Grandpa Cook
2008 15(3) Yau, Christine International Cuisine: China
2001 8(3) Yee, Jennifer Discovering Asian Ingredients
2008 15(4) Yee, Jennifer Edible Aukland
1998 5(4) Yee, Mary Tsui Ping Chinese Immigrant Cooking
2008 15(4) Yee, Paul Shu-Li and Tamara
2015 22(4) Yee, Paul Chinese Fairy Tale Feasts by Paul Yee
2005 12(2) Yee, AlfredShopping at Giant Foods: Chinese Supermarkets in Northern California
1994 1(1) Yen, Tommy and Tina Chinese Cooking at Home...It's Easy
2017 24(3) You, Helen The Dumpling Galaxy
1999 6(2) Young, Grace Wisdom of the Chinese Kitchen, The
2010 17(4) Young, Grace Stir-frying to the Sky's Edge
2004 11(4) Young, Grace and Richardson, AlanBreath of a Wok, The
2010 17(2) Yu, Yabin and Tian, Jialin Bear and Fish Family Cookbook, The
2009 16(4) Yuan, Haiwang Magic Lotus Lantern and Other Tales from the Han Chinese, The
2010 17(4) Yuan, Haiwang, editor This is China: The First 5,000 Years
2006 13(2) Yuen, Qiongdan King Yuen's Delicacies
2017 24(1) Yun, Kwok The Little Cantonese
2013 20(2) Yun LingTao of Chinese Tea, The
2009 16(2) Zedong, Mao Report from Xunwu
2016 23(3) Zhang, Amu and Julie Dumpling Sisters, The
2006 13(3) Zhang, Ke-er Healthy Recipes for Hair & Lips
2013 20(4) Zhang, Qizhi Traditional Chinese Culture
2017 24(1) Zhang, Tine Chinese Cooking at Home
2013 20(4) Zhang, Yifang Using Traditional Chinese Medicine
2013 20(3) Zhang, Yifang Your Guide to Health with Foods & Herbs
2003 10(3) Zhang EnlaiChinese Cuisine Recipes and Their Stories
1998 5(3) Zhang Lianming, Li Siusong, Xiong Sizhi, and Qui PangtongChinese Family Feast Dishes
2016 23(3) Zhao, Rongguang History of Food Culture in China
2016 23(4) Zhao, Xiaojian Remaking Chinese America
2010 17(1) Zhao Fang and Timothy GreenSpeak E-Z Chinese in Phonetic English
1999 6(1) Zhuo Zhao and Geroge EllisHealing Cuisine of China , The
2011 18(4) Zia, Helen Asian American Dreams
2006 13(3) Zinzius, Birgit Chinese America: Stereotype and Reality
2018 25(3) Zobel, Myron Global Cuisine

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